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A food supplement containing four special algae powders.

Revitalizes the distressed, fatigued body. The cure for ’spring fever’.

The microalgae have been qualified as perfect nutrition by the WHO, since these are extremely high in vital substances. The supplement contains more than 4000 beneficial molecules and compounds that the human body can integrate. Given the current state of our knowledge, there is no other plant that contains all these substances. It is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, and enzymes.

Ingredients Active substance Amount Daily intake

                          (1 capsule)                                  (6 capsules)

Spirulina platensis 280 mg                                          1680 mg

Chlorella vulgaris 120 mg                                              720 mg

Lithotamnium calcareum 50 mg                                    300 mg

Haematococcus pluvialis /Astaxanthin 33/ 0.99 mg 198/5.94 mg


The beneficial effects of dried algae were already known by the Aztecs and Mayas. They used it for its nourishing, cell-renewing qualities. The combination of complex ingredients enhances the overall effect of the blend. It does not contain any synthetic ingredients, nevertheless, its natural substances produce a greater combined effect – this is called synergy. It does not provide the body with the vital substances separately, but in a natural, joint ratio.

Net weight: 104.94 g (180 pcs of 0.583 g gelatine capsules)