Xan - Save SPF 50

15.90 EUR

  • TP 0.13 TP
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We have a responsibility to protect our children Even their skin never forgets anything. It should be protected from an early age to prevent any subsequent damage. The skin of infants and young children does not produce a pigment called melanine, which protects against high UV radiation. It is also unable to repair the damage caused by UV radiation. Therefore, sunbathing is strictly forbidden for infants. For older children, the recommended equipment consists of: high sun protection factor cream (SPF 50 is the safest), UV-filtered sunglasses, headgear and preferably UV-protected clothing. Don't forget parts like ears, feet, and the neck. Zeomineral Xan-Save SPF50 provides safety; a special kind of moisturising sunscreen enriched with an astaxanthin with antioxidant properties. Spread it on your skin before sunbathing and wait until it is absorbed. In case of profuse sweating, and after swimming and towelling, the lotion shall be reapplied. It can leave a stain on your clothes. Excessive sun exposure is a serious threat to health. Sunburn seriously damages the skin! Prevent it with the regular use of Xan-Save.